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Note a margine del saggio di aldo dolmetta sul tipo s.r.l.
Abstract: Observations on Aldo Dolmetta’s essay on the S.R.L. type – This article, dedicated to Aldo Dolmetta, moves from the commentary of an essay on the s.r.l. that he published in 2011 and aims to examine whether and how legislative changes after 2011 impact Dolmetta’s findings. The substantive thesis put forward by this author is endorsed, namely that the regulation of the s.r.l. introduced in 2003 as part of the more general reform of limited liability companies should be evaluated negatively, as, by leaving a vast space for statutory autonomy, it deprived the s.r.l. of its identity. This has created extreme applicative uncertainty, since the codified regulation of the s.r.l. should be applied to companies that, although they all bear the nomen “s.r.l.”, are very different from each other, some having personalistic traits, others having capitalistic traits, and others having a heterogeneous character as a result of a mixture of the former and the latter. This has resulted in a cost in terms of uncertainty about interpretative solutions, which is especially serious for economic operators, who need corporate instruments with a high degree of reliability. Legislative innovations since Dolmetta’s essay, particularly those that have allowed s.r.l. SMEs access to crowdfunding and the issuance of categories of shares, have increased the above effect, as the doctrinal attempt to rationalize the new regulations, while noteworthy, cannot be considered successful. Therefore, the criticisms made to the s.r.l. regulation by Dolmetta in 2011 remain relevant.
Summary: 1. Le critiche di Dolmetta all’impostazione della disciplina della s.r.l. nella riforma delle società di capitali del 2003. – 2. Le modifiche legislative successive al saggio di Dolmetta del 2011. – 3. In particolare, la s.r.l. PMI. – 4. L’attualità del saggio di Dolmetta.
Keywords: s.r.l — – statutory autonomy in the s.r.l — – s.r.l — SME — crowdfunding — categories of shares.
Dalla società che non c’è ancora alla società che non merita di esserci
Abstract: From the company not yet here to the company not worthy of being here (Capital companies in formation and companies not complying with the type of company) – The essay explores the legal status of a capital company between the deed of constitution signed by the founders and the registration in the Register of Companies; as well as the remedies provided for when the registered company does not comply with the legal regime and model.
Summary: 1. “C’era una volta la società”. – 2. “società” e “tipi di società”: vicende semantiche nelle codificazioni nazionali. – 3. Nomenclatura, pubblicità e costituzione delle società. – 4. Società “non legalmente costituite” nel vigore del Codice di Commercio del 1882. – 5. Costituzione delle società di capitali dopo l’unificazione dei codici (1942) e dopo la riforma del 2003. – 6. Segue: Esistenza/inesistenza delle società di capitali e pubblicità (iscrizione nel Registro delle Imprese). – 7. Localizzazione nel patrimonio sociale della garanzia per le obbligazioni costituite prima dell’iscrizione nel Registro delle imprese. – 8. La nullità della società di capitali iscritta.
Keywords: Types — formation — deed of constitution — registration in the register of companies — existence — deviations of the deed from the legal type.
Riduzione del capitale sociale. miscellanea
Abstract: Share capital reduction. Miscellaneous issues – In addition to the reduction of share capital effected by a shareholders’ resolution, whether by ‘real’ reduction (Art. 2445 of the Civil Code) or ‘nominal’ reduction (Art. 2446-2447 of the Civil Code) – which have in common only the modification of the accounting data expressed in the net equity – the Civil Code regulates three hypotheses, so to speak minor, either of nominal reduction (due to failure to pay part of the subscribed capital and overestimation of contributions in kind), or of real reduction (due to failure to place the shares of the withdrawing shareholder).
Summary: 1. Introduzione. – 2. Riduzione del capitale per mancato versamento di parte del capitale sottoscritto. – 3. Riduzione del capitale per sovrastima dei conferimenti in natura o dei crediti. – 4. Riduzione del capitale per mancato collocamento delle azioni del socio receduto.
Keywords: capital — reduction — nominal — actual — non-payment — subscribed-capital — overestimation — contributions-in-kind — recess — failure to place shares.
Le società con azioni diffuse tra fattispecie e disciplina
Abstract: Companies with ‘‘disseminated shares’’ between the factual situation and the regulatory framework – The work attempts to demonstrate that will of the company or controlling shareholder is not necessary for the company to be classified as an “issuer of widely distributed shares among the public”.
Summary: 1. Premessa. – 2. Il problema. – 3. La soluzione. – 4. Le implicazioni: l’acquisto della qualità di società con azioni diffuse. – 5. (segue): il diritto di recesso. – 6. Conclusioni.
Keywords: Public companies — Issuer of widely distributed shares — Company law — Financial markets.
Summary: 1. La decisione e i motivi d’interesse. – 2. L’abuso di maggioranza nella delibera di accantonamento dell’utile. – 3. Il ruolo dell’organo gestorio nella destinazione dell’utile. – 4. Riflessioni conclusive.
Gli accantonamenti nella ripartizione dell’attivo
Abstract: Previsions in the breakdown of the liquidated assets – The essay analyzes the rules on the reserves that the bankruptcy trustee must set aside when allocating the assets. During the procedure, in fact, the bankruptcy trustee can carry out distributions in favor of the insolvency creditors, of the liquid sums. On the occasion of the distribution, the trustee can distribute a maximum of 80% of the available money and must set aside at least 20%, in order to allow the payment of the costs of the procedure. Provisions of a prudential nature complement specific provisions, with the consequent need to regulate the ratio between reserves and their duration.
Summary: 1. Introduzione. – 2. La formazione delle masse attive. – 3. La ripartizione periodica dell’attivo disponibile. – 4. Gli accantonamenti specifici. – 5. L’accantonamento prudenziale minimo. – 6. Il rapporto tra gli accantonamenti e la durata del vincolo di destinazione delle somme. – 7. Il reclamo contro il piano di riparto. Gli accantonamenti successivi al riparto parziale. – 8. Il piano di riparto finale. – 9. Applicabilità estensiva alla liquidazione controllata.
Keywords: Distributions in favor of the insolvency creditors — Constitution of reserves.
Contratti pendenti e procedure per la soluzione della crisi da sovraindebitamento
Abstract: Pending contracts and procedures for the solution of over-indebtedness crisis – The essay analyses the regulation of so-called ‘pending contracts’ or ‘executory contracts’ – by which is meant those contracts entered into by the debtor before the commencement of proceedings and in respect of which both the debtor and its counterparty have not fully performed their respective obligations – in the context of over-indebtedness proceedings, comparing the meagre rules on this point dictated by the ‘Codice della crisi d’impresa e dell’insolvenza’ (Business Crisis and Insolvency Code), with those that are dictated on the same field for the insolvency proceedings of non-small commercial enterprises.
Summary: 1. Contratti pendenti, esercizio endoconcorsuale d’impresa e procedure per la soluzione della crisi da sovraindebitamento: uno sguardo d’insieme. – 2. I contratti pendenti nella liquidazione controllata – 3. I contratti pendenti nel concordato minore.– 4. Considerazioni conclusive.
Keywords: over-indebtedness — executory contracts — controlled liquidation — “minor” arrangement.
Abstract: The responsibilities of the expert in the negotiated composition – After identifying the content of the expert’s performance in the “composizione negoziata”, the article aims to assess which is his liability, since the law does not provide. Starting from the rules and carrying out some considerations about the responsibility in negotiations, it seems possible recognize, in addition to the contractual responsibility toward the entrepreneur, a pre-contractual liability of a contractual nature from qualified social contact toward the other parties involved in the procedure. While it would seem possible to reduce the use of the protection duties. Between the parties and the expert there is a qualified relationship of a mandatory nature because of which the parties objectively rely on the expert for the proper conduct of negotiations.
Summary: 1. Introduzione e oggetto dell’indagine: la nuova figura dell’esperto nella composizione negoziata e la necessaria ricostruzione della disciplina della responsabilità civile. – 2. Il contenuto della prestazione e il requisito di professionalità. – 3. Il requisito di indipendenza – 4. Il requisito di terzietà. – 5. La responsabilità dell’esperto negoziatore. – 5.1. La responsabilità contrattuale dell’esperto quale prestatore d’opera professionale. – 5.2. La responsabilità precontrattuale di natura contrattuale dell’esperto: dagli obblighi di protezione alla responsabilità da contatto sociale qualificato per lesione dell’affidamento oggettivamente fondato.
Keywords: Negotiated settlement — Expert — Pre-contractual liability — Social contact — Protective obligations — Objectively founded reliance.
Obbligo di astensione dal voto e responsabilità degli amministratori del comitato parti correlate
Abstract: The duty to abstain from voting and liability of directors of the related party committee – This work provides an overview of the italian law regards to related parties transactions after the Shareholders Rights Directive II that introduced the obligation of abstention from the vote of the related director in conflict of interest. We therefore reflect on the implications in terms of the related parties committee and of the abstained director himself’s responsibility.
Summary: 1. Premessa. – 2. L’obbligo di astensione dal voto ex art. 2391-bis cod. civ. – 3. Doveri degli amministratori e profili di responsabilità. – 4. (segue): profili di responsabilità degli amministratori del Comitato Parti Correlate. – 5. La responsabilità degli amministratori astenuti. – 6. Conclusioni.
Keywords: Related party transactions — Shareholders’ Directive 2 — Abstention of directors ‘involved’ — Independent directors — Liability.
Abstract: Digital content supply contracts: new support measures for the implementation of the European Single Market – As technology has evolved, data has acquired considerable economic value, to the point of being equated with the commodity money. Directive 2019/770 intervenes with the aim of disrupting the current practice whereby digital content is provided in return for a non-pecuniary consideration, consisting of the transfer of personal data or other types of data, which is, therefore, perceived in terms of gratuitousness. The Directive introduces the qualification of the transfer of personal data as consideration – in onerous terms – in the supply contract in question, thus as an obligation fully assimilable to the payment of the price, albeit with the adoption of all appropriate regulatory measures. Hence, for effect, a reading of the provisions introduced by the Directive that cannot disregard the integration and systematic interpretation with the European Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data 2016/679 (GDPR), within which the protection of personal data rises to a pivotal principle. Thus, a priority aspect of the matter is the provision of digital goods with the provision of technical security measures for the digital service offered, which have significantly influenced the contracting of companies, in accordance, above all, with the principle of privacy by design and by default provided by the GDPR.
Summary: 1. Premessa. – 2. Le modifiche al Codice del consumo introdotte dalla direttiva n. 770. – 3. Le evoluzioni nei contratti digitali B2C – 4. La posizione del professionista e del consumatore alla luce del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (GDPR) e della direttiva n. 770 – 5. GDPR e difetti di conformità. – 6. Le responsabilità del titolare e del responsabile. – 7. Profili comparatistici – 8. Conclusioni.
Keywords: Personal Data — Transfer for valuable consideration — Directive 2019/770.
Sistemi di gestione delle circostanze sopravvenute nei patti parasociali
Abstract: Clauses on change of circumstances in shareholder agreements – Shareholder agreements are notably exposed to change of circumstances that may undermine the achievement of the parties’ goals: this paper focuses on clauses meant to manage these events. First, the reasons for shareholder agreements’ weakness will be addressed; second, the work will deal with these contract terms’ main types, showing their rationale and functioning. In the third place, the general limits to the derogation of default rules will be discussed, along with some problems arising from the aforementioned clauses. Last, the article will examine the applicable rules absent parties’ choice.
Summary: 1. Introduzione: le ragioni di un fenomeno complesso. – 2. Gli strumenti convenzionali di gestione delle sopravvenienze: le “clausole soglia”. – 3. (segue) stalli decisionali. – 4. (segue) clausole penali e “patti di esclusione”. – 5. (segue) le altre sopravvenienze. – 6. Limiti generali e specifici alla deroga delle norme in tema di sopravvenienze. – 7. La disciplina del codice: l’impossibilità sopravvenuta della prestazione nel contratto parasociale. Ipotesi. – 8. (segue) le conseguenze dell’impossibilità nel patto parasociale. – 9. L’eccessiva onerosità sopravvenuta della prestazione nel patto parasociale. – 10. Inadempimento del patto parasociale. – 11. Conclusioni.
Keywords: Shareholder agreements — Change of circumstances — Contract clauses — Impossibility — Hardship — Breach of contract.
Trasformazioni eterogenee e dintorni: sviluppi normativi e problemi
Abstract: Heterogeneous transformations and similar: regulatory developments and issues – The 2003 company law reform presents issues in order to the legitimacy and regulation of heterogeneous transformations other than those legitimised by the new provisions of the Italian Civil Code (art. 2500septies – 2500novies). The subsequent regulation development attests to a further extension of the explicitly admitted transformation due to: i) the promotional regulation on social enterprises (d.lgs. n. 112/2017) and on sport organizations (d.lgs. n. 36/2021); ii) the forecast of reciprocal transformations between associations and foundations (art. 42-bis, Civil Code). The resulting regulatory framework, according to the author, presents new issues with regard to regulation but it does not authorize to recognise any transformation not provided by the legislator.
Summary: 1. Trasformazioni societarie nella disciplina originaria del codice civile. – 2. Segue. Introduzione delle trasformazioni societarie eterogenee con la riforma del diritto societario. – 2.1. Segue. Trasformazioni eterogenee in senso funzionale. – 2.2. Segue. Trasformazioni eterogenee eccentriche. – 3. Riflessi della disciplina delle trasformazioni eterogenee sulla prospettiva contrattuale e su quella dell’attività d’impresa. – 4. Trasformazioni “a funzione non lucrativa costante” nel codice civile e nella legislazione “promozionale” sugli enti non-profit. – 4.1. Segue. Trasformazione delle imprese sociali. – 4.2. Segue. Trasformazione degli enti sportivi dilettantistici. – 4.3. Segue. Trasformazioni tra enti del Libro I, ex art. 42-bis, cod. civ. – 5. Riflessi del nuovo quadro normativo sul problema della legittimità di trasformazioni non tipizzate. – 6. Segue. Problemi di disciplina per trasformazioni non tipizzate e tipizzate ma non sufficientemente normate.
Keywords: Company law reform — Heterogeneous transformations.
Abstract: Management of the limited liability company and protection of third parties: ambiguities in the recent jurisprudence on de facto changes of the corporate objects – The work critically analyses the jurisprudence relating to transactions that involve a structural change of the enterprise carried on by limited liability companies, following the 2003 company law reform, which leads to uneven solutions. The analysis is conducted in the perspective of the protection of third parties, in the light of the principles expressed by the European directives on the point, as well as, from a comparative point of view, of the guidelines coming from foreign legal systems, paying attention to the reliability that our system enjoys, with respect to others. After having pointed out the difficulties of qualifying the concrete cases, the various reconstructions are evaluated, adhering neither to the thesis of nullity nor to the reconstruction in terms of legal limitations to the power of representation.
Summary: 1. La questione. – 2. Le diverse ricostruzioni. – 3. La prospettiva della tutela del terzo. – 3.1. Le difficoltà di qualificazione delle fattispecie concrete. – 3.1.2. Le conseguenti incongruenze della giurisprudenza. – 3.2 Gli ordinamenti stranieri e la valorizzazione della stabilità degli atti. – 4. Inadeguatezza della nullità. – 4.1. La Cassazione a Sezioni Unite sulla nullità di atti in relazione ad un’attività. – 5. I limiti derivanti dalla disciplina dell’UE e la competenza funzionale degli amministratori. – 6. Agire procedimentalizzato della società, limitazioni legali gestorie e tutela dei terzi. – 7. Gli sviluppi della giurisprudenza italiana e straniera – verso una crescente attenzione alla tutela dell’affidamento dei terzi.
Keywords: limited liability company — objects of the company and power of representation — de facto changes of the objects of the company.
Il diritto contabile delle cooperative
Abstract: The accounting law of cooperatives – This essay illustrates the peculiarities of the accounting law of cooperatives, focusing on the sources and the contents of the documents that make up and accompany the financial statements
Summary: 1. Premessa. – 2. Le fonti regolatorie. – 2.1. Il codice civile. – 2.2. La legislazione speciale. – 2.3. I principi contabili. – 3. Il bilancio civilistico. – 4. Il bilancio IAS/IFRS. – 5. Il conto economico. – 5.1. L’attività mutualistica coi soci e coi terzi. – 5.2. La nozione di utile. – 5.3. I ristorni. – 6. Lo stato patrimoniale e il capitale sociale. – 7. La nota integrativa. – 8. La relazione sulla gestione. – 8.1 L’illustrazione dello scopo mutualistico perseguito. – 8.2. La sua necessaria redazione. – 9. La relazione dell’organo di controllo. – 10. La relazione del revisore legale. – 10.1. Secondo il codice civile. – 10.2. Secondo l’ordinamento cooperativo. – 11. L’approvazione del progetto di bilancio. – 12. La pubblicità del bilancio.
Keywords: cooperatives — financial statements — accounting principles — patronage dividend — sources of laws.
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