La gestione dell’impresa organizzata in forma societaria.
La gestione dell’impresa organizzata in forma societaria.
Abstract: A recent change to the Italian Civil Code has extended to all companies a regulation, previously applied only to joint stock companies, which reserves the management of an enterprise to its executive officers; the work underlines the necessity to distinguish between management of the enterprise and administering the company; only the first, consisting of the creation of the operating functions and in the planning of the related strategies, is entrusted exclusively to the executives; the second, that indicates the productive exploitation of the company’s assets, instead, can be carried out by other corporate bodies.
Sommario: 1. Premessa. – 2. La nuova disciplina della gestione dell’impresa. – 3. Gestione dell’impresa e amministrazione della società. – 4. Le modalità di esercizio della gestione dell’impresa. – 5. Gestione dell’impresa e disciplina societaria. – 6. Conclusioni.
Keywords: Management of the Enterprise — Organizational Structures — Companies — Executive Officers — Exclusive Entrustment.