La tutela revocatoria tra fallimenti
La tutela revocatoria tra fallimenti
Sommario: Abstract: The work addresses the issue of protection of creditors in case the third party (with whom their debtor has contracted) is declared bankrupt, in order to verify if it is possible to use avoidance powers (against and, if applicable, also) between bankruptcy procedures: after having highlight the existence of serious pre-understanding in the analysis of this problem, it is suggested to adopt, to that end, a functional approach. Keywords: Creditor protection – Avoidance powers – Bankruptcy procedure. Sommario: 1. Premessa. – 2. Azione e tutela revocatoria. – 3. Tutela revocatoria e accertamento del passivo. – 4. Creditore revocante e creditori del terzo revocato. – 5. La pretesa revocatoria nei confronti del fallimento e tra fallimenti. – 6. Conclusioni.