La rilevanza concorsuale della c.d. impresa del fallito
La rilevanza concorsuale della c.d. impresa del fallito
Abstract: The “new business” of the bankrupt – The paper deals with the issue of the “new business” of the bankrupt, critically illustrating the orientation of Italian jurisprudence, tending to consider the results deriving from the exercise of such business as fully opposable to the procedure, and suggesting, on the contrary, to adopt the analytical approach regarding acts and payments of the bankrupt: with the result, rather than affirming the inadmissibility of the debtor’s new business, of predicting its unenforceability against the procedure in progress, whose bodies will be able to enforce, therefore, the ineffectiveness of individual acts and payments in which the new business is specified. On the other hand, the abstract configurability, at least in fact, of a new business by the bankrupt requires to specify the discipline of its crisis and to answer the question of its “fallibilità”, which the paper proposes to consider normatively inadmissible and functionally unnecessary.
Sommario: 1. Premessa. – 2. Gli orientamenti prevalenti – 3. Capacità giuridica e disciplina degli atti e dei pagamenti del fallito – 4. Utile dell’impresa e saldo di conto corrente – 5. Acquisizione di beni e utilità all’attivo concorsuale e rischio d’impresa – 6. Beni esclusi dall’attivo concorsuale e azienda – 7. Attività d’impresa e lavoro del debitore – 8. Il c.d. fallimento del fallito.
Keywords: Bankruptcy Law — Exercise of a new business by the bankrupt — Unenforceability against the procedure.