Corporate governance e diversità di genere. Equilibri in divenire
Corporate governance e diversità di genere. Equilibri in divenire
Abstract: The path leading to gender equality is undoubtedly a slow and though one. By recalling and pointing out some of the most hateful prejudices that accompanied it, that often had even fed the idea of a woman’s mental inferiority, the essay points out the progress made in terms of equal opportunities since the middle of the last century and indicates the needs of a path certainly still unfinished and in continuous evolution. This path winds through different themes, not only the work-related ones, that converge in a unitary perspective embracing the rules that have imposed, in our like in other legal systems, gender balance in corporate governance. The work therefore takes into account, also in a comparative perspective, the positive results that can be noticed in the practical application of the rules that have imposed a gender balance in the administrative and control bodies of listed companies and State-owned companies; a positive outcome both in terms of efficiency of the company and in terms of response to the social needs stated by our Constitution. The analysis of the rules stated by Law no. 120/2011 (so-called Golfo-Mosca law) and its subsequent and even recent amendments develops both in relation to the details of the discipline and to the principles of corporate governance and gender diversity in listed companies and in State-owned companies, whose disciplines are currently partly different. The unjustified differences in discipline determined by recent legislative interventions, together with the need to comply with the principles set by the Corporate governance code for listed companies, are at the basis of the Authors’ proposals, on the one hand, for new rules, especially for State-owned companies, and, on the other hand, in a larger perspective, for new legislative actions aimed at promoting gender equality within the company organization also in companies that are not currently subject to gender quotas rules.
Sommario: 1. Dal “disvalore” della diversità agli obiettivi di democrazia paritaria. – 2. Riequilibrio di genere ed efficienza dell’impresa. I riscontri positivi e le indicazioni provenienti dai bilanci di genere. – 3. La legge Golfo-Mosca e i successivi provvedimenti. – 3.1. La legge Golfo-Mosca e le successive modifiche nel quadro delle azioni positive. – 3.2. La temporaneità delle regole sull’equilibrio di genere. – 4. Corporate governance e diversità di genere nelle società quotate. – 4.1. Equilibrio di genere, Codice di Autodisciplina e principio di parità nell’organizzazione aziendale. – 5. Corporate governance e diversità di genere nelle società a controllo pubblico. Evoluzione della disciplina. – 5.1. Dal difficile coordinamento del TUSPP con la l. n. 120/2011… – 5.2. ….alle difficoltà interpretative generate dalle recenti Modifiche al Codice delle pari opportunità. Gli organi di controllo e l’equilibrio “dimenticato”. – 5.3. Le incongruenze dell’attuale impianto sanzionatorio. Equilibri in divenire.
Keywords: Listed companies — Corporate governance — Gender diversity.