Disciplina del contratto e “non - moral goods”
Disciplina del contratto e “non - moral goods”
Abstract: Contract law and “non - moral goods” - The fragmentation of contract law is understood as a consequence of the failure of the two notions (autonomy and commutative justice) on which unitary conceptions of the contract are traditionally built. Autonomy is actually an essentially contested concept whose scope depends on the definition of the level of voluntariness that an act should possess in order to be considered an expression of genuine autonomy. The notion of commutative justice does not have an autonomous content independent of the context. What may be considered commutatively right in one society may not appear so in a different society. The paper proposes to search for a unifying point in the pursuit of so-called non - moral goods, understood as goods (community, solidarity, friendship, etc.) contributing to human flourishing but escaping the scope of distributive justice. With reference to contracts, a discussion in terms of non - moral goods should evaluate the contractual system from the point of view of its ability to model the social practice of interacting through mutual promises so that a beneficial participation to that practice able to engender an enrichment of all participants’ personalities, is made possible for everybody.
Sommario: 1. I fattori tradizionalmente unificanti della disciplina dei contratti: autonomia e giustizia commutativa. – 2. L’autonomia contrattuale: un essentially contested concept. – 3. Il conflitto tra diverse concezioni e il declino della capacità unificante del riferimento all’autonomia. – 4. La giustizia commutativa dipende dalla contestualizzazione e il concetto di giustizia commutativa non è in grado di rappresentare un polo astrattamente unificante. – 5. Il diritto dei contratti in una società complessa basata su specializzazione e incentivi. – 6. La frammentazione del sistema e le clausole generali. – 7. Un possibile centro di gravità: disciplina del contratto e “non - moral goods”.
Keywords: Contract law — Fragmentation — Non-moral goods.