La revocatoria dell’atto di scissione
La revocatoria dell’atto di scissione
Abstract: Revocation of demerger deed – This work is intended as a consideration on a long-standing matter around which discussions are still ongoing without unity of solutions: the accomplishment of the revocation of demerger deed in our legal framework. In this regard, Private law, with its principles, clashes and competes with corporate law, resulting in the need of a comparative analysis throughout the study. The analysis starts from the study of the juridical nature of the demerger and proceeds addressing the legislative remedies that the legal framework recognizes to parties that, bearing conflicting interests, would be harmed by the extraordinary operation. Finally, the study focuses on a comparison between the most recent case-laws, at national and EU level
Sommario: 1. Premessa – 2. L’ultima pronuncia di legittimità: Cassazione n. 2153/2021 – 3. Natura della scissione – 4. Rimedi legislativi – 5. L’invalidità della scissione tra ordinamento nazionale e comunitario – 6. Considerazioni finali.
Keywords: Demerger — Deed to the detriment of creditors — Revocation — Remedies.