Il diritto della crisi oggi fra tradizione e innovazione
Il diritto della crisi oggi fra tradizione e innovazione
Abstract: Insolvency law today between tradition and innovation – The A. examines the evolution of insolvency law, trying to catch in an overall consideration – after having focused on the characteristics acquired over time – the most relevant problematic nodes that the matter has presented and presents today. In this key the A. deals with the relationship between private autonomy and public power, the relationship between the interests of creditors, the interests of the debtor, the interest in the preservation of the company and external interests, the relationship between insolvency law and general corporate law, the growing number of exceptions to the par condicio creditorum, the principles of the universality of the debtor’s patrimonial responsibility, the respect of the order of pre-emption causes.
Sommario: 1. Note introduttive: origini, evoluzione e connotati del diritto della crisi. – 2. I nodi problematici più rilevanti: autonomia privata e potere pubblico. – 3. (Segue) Interessi dei creditori, interessi del debitore, interesse alla conservazione dell’impresa, interessi esterni. – 4. (Segue) Diritto della crisi e diritto societario generale. – 5. (Segue) Principi della par condicio creditorum, dell’universalità della responsabilità patrimoniale del debitore e del rispetto dell’ordine delle cause di prelazione e loro “cedevolezza”. – 6. Note conclusive.
Keywords: Private autonomy — Public powers — Creditors’ interests — Debtor’s interests — Enterprise conservation — Corporate law — Par condicio creditorum — Universal patrimonial responsibility of the debtor — Order of causes of preference — EU directive.