Rivista del Diritto Commerciale e del diritto generale delle Obbligazioni

Andrea Nervi

Diritto dei contratti e disciplina dell’economia

Diritto dei contratti e disciplina dell’economia (Andrea Nervi)

Abstract: Contract Law and Governance of the Economic System – The essay proposes, in an historical perspective, an analysis of the role played by the contract in the economic system. The path is structured in three different periods, which are conventionally indicated with the following couples: contract/property, contract/undertaking and contract/antitrust. - Coming to the current age, it is to be noted that, due to various factors, the notion of contract is now segmented in various dimensions and its regulation is mainly aimed to produce certain consequences on the relevant market(s). On the other side, the contract seems to have lost its role as instrument for the self-realization of the human being. This approach may potentially put in prejudice the implementation of the ambitious project of social transformation set out in the Italian Constitution and recalls the scholars to their liabilities in this respect.  

Sommario: 1. Introduzione – 2. La fase proto-borghese. – 3. Il codice civile italiano e la Costituzione. – 4. Il diritto europeo; la concorrenza. – 5. Il contratto nella fase della c.d. revanche neoliberista. – 6. Elementi di evoluzione dell’istituto contrattuale. – 7. La frammentazione della materia contrattuale. – 8. Profili assiologici; conclusioni.

Keywords: ContractAntitrustCompetitionRegulationItalian Constitution.

Annata 2023 Fascicolo 3 Pagina 319

ISSN 2532-9839 | 2532-9847