La rivista del diritto commerciale e l’evoluzione del diritto della concorrenza
La rivista del diritto commerciale e l’evoluzione del diritto della concorrenza
Abstract: La Rivista del diritto commerciale and the evolution of competition law – The paper discusses the contributions of the Journal to the debates about competition laws. It proceeds backwards, dealing first with the era of full-fledged antitrust (1990-2023), secondly with the uncertainties of the protracted age of “apparent compliance” (1948-1989) all the way back to the birth of this area of law (1900-1945). While dealing with the often outstanding contributions from the Journal articles to the development of this crucial branch of law, it also brings back the focus on less remembered stages of its development, including a phase which has been aptly described as “the brief infancy” of competition law, suddenly truncated by the First World War and by the rise of fascism. A look into the future of antitrust and regulation within digital and algorithmic ecosystems concludes.
Sommario: 1. Il percorso (a ritroso) – 2. L’epoca del diritto della concorrenza a vele spiegate (1990-oggi) – 3. Il periodo della “convergenza apparente” (1948-1989) – 4. L’“infanzia breve” del diritto della concorrenza (1900-1915) – 5. Uno sguardo sul futuro
Keywords: Law History — Competition Law — Antitrust.