Il rapporto banca/cliente-impresa tra disciplina settoriale e normative integrative concorrenti (nei 30 anni del TUB)
Abstract: The bank/business-customer relationship, in the light of sectoral and supplementary regulations (30 years after the TUB) – TUB’s lack of “self-sufficiency” with regard to Banking Transparency, along with the consumerist nature of some of its provisions, suggest identifying other general disciplines that can act as a complement to the sectoral regulation, vis-à-vis relationships between banks and business-customers. Provided that (direct or analogous) application of consumer law principles and regulation shall be excluded, the findings of commercial law doctrine – and in particular the interpretation which recognizes art. 9 l. 192/1998 as a “general clause” for all business contracts – lead to affirm that a suitable complement to Banking Transparency rules can be found in the regulation on abuse of economic dependence. The special relevance of banking activity, however, suggests that the readings under art. 9 l. 192/1998 (which can tend to favour only the weaker party) be appropriately fine-tuned, to ensure the correct balance of all interests at stake. To this end, the bonus argentarius professional diligence criteria – developed with reference to the abusive granting of credit too – being currently considered general principles of the banking sector, may guide the judge towards a balanced application of art. 9 l. 192/1998 in the relationships between banks and professional clients. The combined application of the two disciplines, also through the Italian Competition Authority’s public enforcement powers, could significantly advance the threshold and the quality of the protection provided to the business-costumer, pushing Banking Transparency beyond a merely formal approach, and towards a rebalancing function of both the contents and execution of the contract.
Sommario: 1. Il rapporto tra banca e cliente, nel trentennale del Testo (a questi fini non) Unico. – 2. L’interpretazione delle Disposizioni di Trasparenza e il loro possibile complemento nel rapporto tra banca e cliente-impresa. – 3. Il divieto di abuso di dipendenza economica come frammento (e disposizione di principio) della disciplina generale dei contratti d’impresa. – 4. L’abuso di dipendenza economica nei rapporti banca/cliente-impresa. – 5. Segue: la multipolarità della disciplina e le necessarie coordinate interpretative per la sua applicazione nel settore bancario. – 6. E un opportuno contrappeso: i princìpi desumibili dalla diligenza professionale qualificata della banca anche ai fini della responsabilità da abusiva concessione del credito e loro valenza ricostruttiva. – 7. Conclusioni.
Keywords: commercial law — banking law — business contracts — abuse of economic dependence — qualified professional diligence — abusive granting of credit — pre-emptive inhibitory protection.