Il diritto della concorrenza nella storia della Rivista del Diritto Commerciale
Il diritto della concorrenza nella storia della Rivista del Diritto Commerciale
Abstract: Competition Law in the history of the Rivista del diritto commerciale – The essay traces the evolution of competition law in Italy, in its various manifestations, through the pages devoted to it by the Rivista del diritto commerciale during the 120 years of its history. Particular attention is paid to its founding phase, in which Angelo Sraffa’s thought made its influence felt especially in the debate on so-called competition clauses, and then continues with an examination of the formation and developments of unfair competition law, up to the irruption on the scene of antitrust law.
Sommario: 1. Premessa. La Rivista e l’interesse per il diritto della concorrenza. – 2. Alle origini: Sraffa e la Lotta commerciale. – 3. Le coalizioni industriali. – 4. Le “clausole di concorrenza” (in senso stretto). – 5. La concorrenza sleale. – 6. La tutela del consumatore nel diritto della concorrenza. – 7. L’irruzione del diritto antitrust.
Keywords: Rivista del diritto commerciale — Law History — Competition Law.