Prime note sulle prerogative individuali dell’azionista
Prime note sulle prerogative individuali dell’azionista
Abstract: Notes on individual prerogatives of the shareholders – This article aims to reconstruct the legal treatment of individual shareholder prerogatives in corporation law. The legal debate on this topic shows that the forms of personalisation of shareholder positions are highly contested. This paper analyses those provisions that explicitly allow corporate bylaws to grant individual prerogatives to a nominally identified shareholder. It aims to reconstruct the legal nature of these prerogatives and their regulation.
Sommario: 1. Introduzione. – 2. Alcune fattispecie di prerogative personali e non individuali dell’azionista. – 3. Le fattispecie di prerogative individuali e personali dell’azionista. – 4. La struttura normativa delle prerogative ad intestazione nominativa dell’azionista.
Keywords: corporation law — shareholder individual prerogatives — personalisation of shareholder positions — corporate bylaws.