Un dibattito su passato e presente del diritto commerciale
Un dibattito su passato e presente del diritto commerciale
Abstract: Past and present of business law: a debate – Four opinions, on the occasion of the presentation of Mario Libertini’s volume on Past and present of commercial law, on the current role of commercial law, on the way in which its scholars behave and on some theoretical categories that involve the function of joint-stock companies and the techniques for protecting the relevant interests.
Sommario: 1. Perimetro dell’intervento. – 2. Cultura del “perché” vs. cultura del “come”. – 3. Costruzioni teoriche e interessi da proteggere: quale rapporto? – 4. Uso del diritto amministrativo nel sindacato sugli atti degli organi sociali: profili problematici.
Keywords: commercial law — corporation — functions and powers.